Wednesday, April 08, 2015

We Belong to the Land

We Belong to the Land:

the story of a Palestinian Israeli who lives for peace and reconciliation


by Elias Chacour and Mary E. Jensen

This is the story of Elias Chacour, a Melkite Catholic priest, and his ministry in the small Galilee village of Ibillin and beyond.
Reading this book, three things become very quickly apparent about Elias Chacour –
    1)   his passionate love for Jesus,
    2)   his love for the Palestinian people,
    3)   his desire to see the Jewish and
    Arab people reconciled.
Woven together through this book are the story of Elias Chacour’s life and the story of the Palestinian people. Elias Checour was born to a Palestinian Christian family in the village of Biram in Upper Galilee in 1939. Along with his whole village he experienced the tragedy of eviction by the Israeli authorities in 1948 and became a refugee in his own land. He and all his family members became citizens of Israel when the state was created.
In 1965, Father Chacour was ordained and appointed as priest of St. George Melkite Catholic Church in Ibillin. Father Chacour realised early on that his work in Ibillin would require more than routine priestly duties. He knew that the only way for Palestinian people to flourish was through education. Through his efforts and leadership, a pre-school, a village library and a secondary school were set up to serve the children of the village.
His vision was that through education, children and young adults of different faith traditions – Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Druze – should learn to live and work together in peace. He has traveled around the world with this message and, alongside the secondary school, a peace centre was built in Ibillin for international visitors to stay and join in this ministry.
This book is a reminder that there is an ancient Christian church in the Middle East. Although for many Christian Arabs their faith may be nominal and inherited, for many their faith is living and vibrant. The outward form may appear archaic and formal to those of us who are more used to a “modern” or informal expression of our faith. Nevertheless, for many their devotion to Jesus and understanding of his teaching is beyond question.

Jesus is the one

Jesus is The One.

He is the one who existed with God the Father from before the beginning of time.

He is the one whose human existence started not from the sperm of a human father, but by the activity of the Holy Spirit.

He is the one whose mother was a virgin when he was born.

He is the one who lived and experienced a real human life.

He is the one who lived a perfect human life without sin or failure.

He is the one who shows us exactly what God the Father is like.

He is the one whose teaching is perfect and without fault.

He is the one who paid the penalty of human sin.

He is the one who bore the pain of human suffering.

He is the one who overcame the power of human selfishness.

He is the one who conquered death.

He is the one who rose to life from the grave.

He is the one who returned triumphant to God the Father.

He is the one who poured out the Holy Spirit on his followers.

He is the one who now rules and reigns with God the Father.

He is the one who knows and understands what it is like to be human.

He is the one who prays for me constantly.

He is the one who pleads my cause with the Father.

Jesus is The One.